A reader from Kenya asks how best to get into programing. Eric Freeman answers the question, and the answer may not be what you expected…view the video below:
Reader Question: How to learn to program
by admin | Jan 28, 2012 | Beginner's Mind, blog, Programming, Video | 10 comments
Thank you, I will do just that….:-)
I find it very tough to get my head around javascript and how it works. I can program in Java but in my opinion they are not related at all as the name might suggest. I find Javascript lacks the structure (for want of better words) of Java and is harder to learn as a result. Ill keep cracking on though!
Hi Alan,
You’re right! Java and JavaScript are not at all related. It’s unfortunate that the name often leads people to think that they are.
JavaScript will definitely feel “unstructured” to someone coming from Java, partly because it’s an dynamically typed (and weakly typed) interpreted language, partly because the prototypal inheritance is so different from Java’s object-oriented approach, and partly because it’s a scripting language and so used for more “informal” projects. All that said, it’s a powerful language and when used correctly can be used to create large, object-based projects.
Let us know how you get on in your endeavor to keep learning it. We are hoping to start a series for learning JavaScript on this blog soon!
Hey guys, the internet if full of ways to learn coding but there is very little in terms of video game programming. I currently am looking into programming with Java and the only thing I could find were some books about using the LWJGL. Do you guys have any suggestions as to how I could start with Java game development and become as good as, I don’t know, Notch, creator of Minecraft? I am very motivated, I just need the learning resources. Thanks
hey guys..i am a amature programmer..i recently completed a minor project of validating a form using javascript and generating quiz questions and verifying the answers of it …but in validation ,(observe the first image ) the problem is when i click on the submit button the function gets called and in that i wanted to use the form[“field name “] object type reference passing but it didnt worked..so i used the document object and it worked smoothly.but i really wanted to use form[“field name “] object. Will u help me in getting the problem solved ..what could be the reason..??
My personal favorite to learn Programming:
MIT OCW, free for everyone.
Also gets away without the “WE WANT YOUR MONEY”-shemes. Which is, what was most important to me when learning about it (and to make it quick: i hated all those ‘text & picture’-only tutorials after learning the same things for 10 times over).
its boring …its better u use head first books ..
Everyone has different tastes and experiences, waste of time arguing about such things. 😉 Also a waste of time to tell someone without income, to buy something…
I’m a bit late to the game so you may have found a resource. If not, however, as a Java dev you would be best served investigating how a JavaScript interpreter parses and executes the code. This significantly improved my understanding of JavaScript, and has helped tremendously in my application development. It has also helped me to write better JavaScript, as I know how the engine “thinks” when running.
Hope that helps!
Hi Daniel, no I never did get further with javascript and went with JQuery for a few bits and pieces to add to my projects. I still want to learn Javascript so I will definitely look up what you said. Ill make a note! Thanks.